Dentist, How do you get healthy gums overnight?

Why do you think people are willing to pay for cosmetic dentistry services? The answer is pretty obvious, they want to achieve a beautiful smile. While having a gorgeous smile helps boost your emotional health, what’s more, important is your oral health. Two of the most notorious dental issues people are dealing with today are tooth decay and gum disease.

According to the World Health Organization, 10% of the total population worldwide suffer from periodontal disease. What is periodontal disease? Periodontal disease or better known as gum disease is a disease that affects your gum tissues. It is characterized by painful, swollen, and bleeding gums. People who have gum disease also have bad breath. When gum disease is not treated immediately, it can advance to its more severe form, and not only will it damage your gums, it will also cause your permanent teeth to come loose and your jawbone to deteriorate. Two of the main causes of gum disease are smoking and poor oral hygiene.

To stop gum disease from progressing, you must be familiar with the signs and symptoms of periodontal disease. When plaque multiplies it will start irritating your gums stimulating your body’s inflammatory response. As the inflammation worsens, gum pockets form and become deeper allowing more bacteria to settle in the spaces. Some of the symptoms of gum disease include puffy, red, bleeding, and swollen gums. You may also notice a discharge coming out between your teeth. The moment gum disease is detected, it has to be treated right away otherwise, it will not only affect your dental health but will also predispose you to several diseases such as heart disease and rheumatoid arthritis to name a few.

Can gum disease get treated overnight? The answer is no. Luckily, various treatment options will help address the nasty symptoms of gum disease. Your dentist may use one or a combination of these treatments to restore the health of your gum tissues.

Dental Cleaning – professional dental cleaning should be done at least once every 6 months to remove plaque and tartar from forming along your gumline. Unfortunately, these cannot be removed by mere brushing and flossing.

Scaling and Root Planing – another way to treat gum disease is by doing a deep cleaning of your teeth and gums known as scaling and root planing. In this procedure, a local anesthesia may be needed. Plaque is scaled away while the rough parts of your tooth roots are smoothened to stop bacteria from adhering to them.

Surgery – your periodontist may also perform flap surgery or pocket reduction surgery. In this procedure, your gums are lifted back to remove the hardened tartar. If there are any irregular surfaces your periodontist will smoothen them. Once your teeth are free from plaque and tartar, the gums will be placed tightly around each tooth.

The good news is that gum disease can be prevented. There is no overnight magic pill. If you want to maintain healthy gums, you have to be responsible enough to care for your oral health.

How do you do that? Regular brushing and flossing are paramount to keep plaque and bacteria away. Make sure you use the right type of toothbrush (soft-bristles are best), choose a fluoride-based toothpaste, floss once a day using the proper technique so you won’t hurt your gums, visit your dentist and have your teeth professionally cleaned every year, and stay away from food and drinks that contain high amounts of starch and sugar. When you brush, follow your dentist’s instructions. Don’t brush too hard. Ideally, you should use gentle, circular strokes. Brushing too hard will erode your enamel. Last but not least, steer clear from smoking.